Advanced Loss Control Surveys

Advanced Loss Control Surveys

Almost all loss control surveys can be handled “normally” but some have reached a “higher level” and there is a need for the most skilled, experienced, and qualified professional to carefully understand the risk’s scope of operations, processes, equipment, personnel tasks, engineering characteristics, raw ingredients transformation, (if warranted), loss history details, levels of corporate response and other factors. The goal is to absorb these characteristics along with specific company history, industry characteristics and trends to determine the what exposure types and levels can be anticipated for what length of time to what consequence and what final result. This is both an art and a science. Resulting recommendations may include internal and/or external resources.

When a survey of this caliber is performed calculations, assessments and professional judgment are used. The result is a blue-print of what kinds of actions will make the risk more appetizing to risk managers, underwriters, agents and and/or others.

Surveys of this caliber are useful when insured’s find themselves unable to obtain traditional insurance due to heavy past losses or specialty risk, or when findings need to be memorialized for litigation purposes, or for other reasons.

Call us for more information

Mr. Kenneth Librizzi, MA, MS, CIH, CSP, ARM, LHRM, LMA
